clean oil - translation to ρωσικά
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clean oil - translation to ρωσικά

Clean (Movie); Clean (movie); Cleans; Cleaned; Clean (disambiguation); Clean (album); Clean.; Clean (song); Clean (EP); Clean (film)

clean oil      

общая лексика

чистая нефть

масло без присадок

нефтегазовая промышленность

чистая нефть (содержащая менее 1 % отстоя воды)

чистое нефтяное сырьё (без добавки рециклового сырья)

clean oil      
светлые нефтепродукты



нефтяная монополия США; см. в ст. Нефтяные монополии.



Clean may refer to:

  • Cleaning, the process of removing unwanted substances, such as dirt, infectious agents, and other impurities, from an object or environment
  • Cleanliness, the state of being clean and free from dirt
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για clean oil
1. ––––––– Korean Arabic Japanese Turkish Shareholders sue BP over shutdown Workers clean oil from a leak in a Prudoe Bay transit line on Thursday.
2. GTL technology processes natural gas into clean oil products such as low–sulfur diesel, which is increasingly in demand to meet tightening restrictions.
3. According to the final summit statement, OPEC leaders will insist on the importance of technology to enable the use of «clean oil,» notably carbon capture and storage, to help fight global warming. «We insist on the importance of clean technologies for the protection of the world’s environment and insist on the importance of developing technologies that can help combat the problem of global warming, such as carbon sequestration,» said the communiqué. Ecuador’s President Correa told reporters the world’s richest nations should pay for the protection of the environment in the world’s poorest countries.
4. Raid Qusti, Arab News RIYADH, 1' November 2007 — The 13 leaders of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) unanimously declared here yesterday that they would continue to support the importance of technology to enable the use of «clean oil», notably carbon capture and storage, to help fight global warming. «We insist on the importance of clean technologies for the protection of the world’s environment and insist on the importance of developing technologies that can help combat the problem of global warming, such as carbon sequestration,» a statement from the Riyadh final communiqué read by OPEC Secretary–General Abdullah Al–Badri.
Μετάφραση του &#39clean oil&#39 σε Ρωσικά